Small Business Coaching

I coach women solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners to get started, grow and soar!

Together we will look at your mindset, the single biggest influence on your business. (I bet you thought I was going to say look at your net profit, operating expenses and marketing plan?)

Oh, we’ll look at those too, but the greatest, most powerful thing you can do for your business is manage your thoughts. I will show you how!

Click here and fill out the contact form. I’ll be in touch to schedule your complimentary consultation!

Please note: Coaching is available by phone or video globally. If you are in the Denver Metro area come see me in person!


The MOST important thing you can do is work on your mindset. It does not matter what industry you are in. Your thoughts are the single most powerful thing you can do to change and grow your business.


Text reads "Calling all female Solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs, and small business owners who want to simply get started or grow and exiting business!" on tan background.

Are you ready? I look forward to working with and supporting you while watching you SOAR!

Image of woman wearing black shirt and holding white coffee mug with "Like a Boss" lettering.
Image of white desk with keyboard, pens, notepads and glasses.

Here’s an exciting summary of the things we will cover in our one-on-one sessions:

  1. The story is in the numbers- You'll have the opportunity to tell me the story of your business through your numbers; including revenue, expenses, net profit, profit margins, operating costs and growth goals!

  2. Between each session you will have actionable items to work on that will impact and improve the area we have just discussed.

  3. I want to know it all! -Your strengths, areas of challenges and opportunities.

  4. What are your blind spots?

    What do you need to see that you haven't been willing to look at?

    What are your thresholds? How much can you actually tolerate?

  5. Let's talk about you as BOSS - hiring, training, managing and leading a team. How do we translate your skills as a leader into your home and vice versa?

  6. We are going to talk about your 'money story'. We all have beliefs around money. Some we’re taught, some were learned over time. What are yours?!

  7. There will be resources! Recommended podcasts, books, worksheets. Perhaps a mastermind group is in your future?

  8. We are going to explore your values- both personally and professionally. Are they in alignment with your business and company culture? Do they align with your family values?

  9. Is social media right for you?

  10. As a busy mom and CEO you can only do so much as one person. We are going to talk about ways to create passive income so you can be at the Kindergarten school function while your business makes money!

  11. What are your wildest dreams?! As it relates to income, lifestyle, creativity, travel, family and experiences.

  12. What terrifies you? Let's go there!

And we will stumble on SOOOOO much more! Coaching is a great opportunity to collaborate and move yourself and your business forward, avoid burnout and create sustainability.

The last important piece for now is accountability. I'll hold you accountable to those areas YOU say are important and, if those don't happen, we will simply talk about why and how to work through any obstacles or roadblocks.


Click here and fill out the contact form. I’ll be in touch to schedule your complimentary consultation!

Please note: Coaching is available by phone, video, or in-person in the Denver, CO area.

Are you a current client ready to buy a session? Click here.

Are you a current client ready to buy a session? Click here.

What my clients have said…

Is anxiety getting the best of you?

You’re not alone.

Grab a copy of the free guide: 10 Tips to Tell Your Anxiety to Shhhh!